Beautiful Grace
Hey Friends,
How are you? How are you coping in our new reality?
After observing the public as well as family and friends in response to the pandemic, I’ve seen both the beautiful and the messy. Those who were already selfish, entitled, discontent, jealous, envious, confrontational and difficult are now even harder to be with. For a while, they lost the ability to leave their homes and seek out comforts to keep themselves content in their own skin. But those who were already content, generous, humble, gracious, and a good listener have grown more mature and peaceful to be with because they’re aware of themselves. They’re content to be at home because they’re content with their possessions but also because they’ve already worked on their relationships, not having to leave their home to seek acceptance and comfort elsewhere. I pray that you will be willing to humble yourself before God, to ask Him to change you for the better. I pray that you will become aware of your attitude and actions, how you are affecting others, and be willing to change.
Back in January, while completing our selection of songs for my upcoming record, my producer Mark and I agreed that I needed one more song to add to my repertoire. I was able to write that song from personal experience.
During personal contemplation on how to forgive someone, through prayer and what God’s Word has taught me, I’m learning more about God’s grace to me and how to pray for the one who deeply wounded me. My song Beautiful Grace was born out of that prayer - little did I know how fitting the first few lines of that song would be for our current time.
Respecting our Canadian social distancing guidelines, we’ve continued our work on this record as we are able, and we cannot wait to release it to you this Spring!
Praying that you will personally come to know God’s beautiful grace.
Keep going, Rhonda Louise