Prison Ministry Opportunity

Hey Friends!
What an amazing start to the year it has been - A new name, a new web site, new ministry opportunities, and new music to come...!
This past August I was invited to perform and share at the Young Offender's Center here in Calgary. There, in their prison's school gym, were seven prison guards, three volunteers, the chaplain, myself, and seventy kids - all ages 12-17, all incarcerated for various offenses, all from different races and walks of life. I had an amazing time performing but also sharing my testimony of God's grace and guidance in my own personal challenges as a youth. Afterward I got to hang out with a few of the boys, their volunteer of the day, and the chaplain in their chapel, as we sat and sang worship songs together. It was an amazing day.
A few weeks ago I visited the prison again, this time to sit in with the chaplain and a few boys in their evening discussion. I was able to reconnect with one of the boys and once again we shared a memorable moment. Afterward, I commented to the chaplain how I felt connected to him and how I enjoyed seeing him again. She replied saying that he had told her that he liked seeing me and hoped to again. We made arrangements for me to visit him on a regular basis for ongoing mentoring.
I visited him this past week, and we had a fun time. We hung out and talked, got to know each other, and had some laughs. Please pray for us as I continue to visit him weekly - for my family and I as we adjust to the new schedule, and for this boy and I as we build a friendship. Pray for these kids, too, as most of them do not have a healthy environment to return to once they are released, and most recommit crimes in order to return to the prison for it's safety, stability, and comfort (for most of these kids, prison is a better place to be than home), but then find themselves older and now incarcerated in adult prison with a greater chance of abuse and with a harder cycle of crime to leave. Thank you!
Being involved in the prison ministry has given me a broader appreciation for my husband Peter and our boys, Lee, and Adam. Peter and I love our boys, we love spending time with them, and are super proud of the men they are. We had the privilege of seeing our older son, Lee, baptized yesterday, and had an amazing time afterward celebrating with family and friends in our home. I'm proud of you and I love you, "Little Lee"!
I'm excited to perform again at Gravity Espresso and Wine Bar here in Calgary on February 4th - Calgary, I'd love to see you out! Details are in the Appearances section on my web site.
Thank you, two-one bistro for your ongoing support - I'll be back to perform on Feb 18th!
As I've mentioned previously, I am fundraising in order to return to record new music with Billy Smiley in Nashville, Tennessee. If you wish to support me financially in this, please Contact me.
Thank you for your ongoing support!