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"Rahab" - New Single Available for Download

Hey friends! It’s springtime here in Calgary – snow then sunshine, slush then green grass, howling wind then birds singing… The sun is out and spring has finally arrived! I’m excited to share with you that my new single, “Rahab” is now available for download! Visit CD Baby to download (also available soon on my web site Music page and iTunes). Thank you to my producer, Bart McKay, for your amazing work on this song! It was wonderful getting to know you! Thank you to my awesome friend and drummer, Brent Gerlitz, for playing and working on this song, as well as helping me stay “sane” in my trying times – as always, you ROCK! Thank you, Murray Pulver (guitars) and Erica Fulton (backing vocals) for your part on it as well – nice job! Thank you, too, to Kevin Kurek for your assistance in recording. Recording between Winnipeg, MB, Saskatoon, SK, and Calgary, AB, was an interesting, special, and fun experience – I’m very happy with the results and am grateful to you all! Rahab has become a very special song. I’ve read the Holy Bible’s stories and accounts numerous times, but the account of Rahab (found in Joshua 2:1-23, Joshua 6:1-25, and Matthew 1:5) has captured my heart like no other. Through this story of redemption, God has shown me how he loves each of us uniquely, and has a divine plan for everyone who is willing to follow him. As you listen to this song, make it your own. It is a song of redemption, not only for Rahab, but for everyone who chooses to accept God’s grace and salvation. Look for the Song Story of “Rahab” on my Song Stories page soon! Enjoy. I will be performing in Okotoks, Canmore, and Calgary this next while and would love to see you! Please visit my Dates page for details for each appearance. CD’s, as well as my single, “Rahab” will be available for purchase at each venue. Thank you, as always, for supporting my ministry and purchasing my music – you help keep the “industry ball” rolling, and I appreciate your support! Spring is all about new beginnings, in nature as well as in our own lives. Paul wrote to the people of Philipi this encouragement – “Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God. Whenever I pray, I make my request for all of you with joy, for you have been my partners in spreading the Good News about Christ from the time you first heard it until now. And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.” (Philippians 1:3-6). This is not the end - Keep going!

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