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In the Studio - Working on New Music

Hey! Wow, what a busy fall it has been so far! It’s been crazy-busy, but I’m having a blast. God keeps giving me endless opportunities to share, and I’m both humbled and honoured by it. I’ve been in the studio in the past couple of weeks and have plans to return this week to work on new material for future projects. Writing is always a growing experience for me, but recording is even more-so. It’s been great to be back. I will be playing at The House Coffee Sanctuary in Calgary at the end of this month, and I’d love to see you there! Bring your friends for a great cup of Java, enjoy my performances, relax, and pick up a CD or two. My CD, “Rhonda – A Reminisce”, will be available for sale for $10/each, or 2/$15. I will also be collecting donations for Samaritan’s Purse and their “If” Women’s Projects. Check out my Dates page for more details. I’m excited to have been invited to perform at the First Annual Cedarbrae Celebration, Saturday, October 1st, 1-6pm. This promises to be a fun event for families of the community of Cedarbrae and surrounding areas in Calgary, AB. Food, kids’ activities, and live music will all be part of the fun. Stay tuned for more details. Also, I will be hosting my second CD release party, “Rhonda – A Reminisce” on Friday, October 7th, 7pm, at Walkinshaw Place, Boissevain, MB. Walkinshaw Place is a stunning country inn, owned and operated by my parents, Peter and Linda, south of Boissevain, MB. I’m excited (and somewhat nervous!) to perform for my “hometown crowd”. Tickets are $20, and include concert, my debut CD, “Rhonda – A Reminisce”, and refreshments (ages 15 and under are free). Additional CDs will be available for sale at $10/each, or 2/$15. A portion of the CD sales will be donated to Samaritan’s Purse and their “If” Women’s Project. Please call (204)534-6979 to reserve your ticket. Thanksgiving will be a special one for me this year, as I have the privilege of leading the Thanksgiving Worship Service at the Boissevain Mennonite Brethren Church. I grew up in the Boisevain M.B. Church, and am honoured to be invited back. I will be leading a special service of Thanksgiving, with both worship and special music. This promises to be a memorable and special service. There are still more dates to come, so please stay in touch. Thank you again for your prayers – they are much needed and I welcome them. Thank you, too, for your ongoing support and encouragement. I hope to see you soon!

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