Alberta Summer Tour - August 10-21, 2019

What an awesome tour! 11 days and 2,850 kms of memories!
My long-time friend Rachel (“Roadie Rachel”) came along as my assistant, and we had an amazing time together in all that is “tour” - driving hours on end, seeing gorgeous scenery, performing and running sound gear, loading and unloading gear, setting up and tearing down gear, unpacking and re-packing the car, sharing stories of married life and motherhood, rooming together in various places, discussing concert/appearance plans, meeting incredible people, generally working together, and encouraging one another. Thank you, “Rach”, for everything!
Thank you, Pastor Dennis and Sunrise Community Church (Edmonton), Chad and Andrea for hosting a house concert (Morinville), Lynne and Stephanie and Rising Above Ministry (Grande Prairie), Connie and Come Alive Gospel Fest (Grimshaw), and Pastor Mark and Jasper Pentecostal Church (Jasper) - You were so kind and we won’t soon forget you!
This tour holds memories we won’t soon forget. God surprised us. He met us and provided for us in ways that reminded us of his sovereignty but also of his genuine care for us - gracious hosts who allowed us to stay in their home while they were away, a surprisingly peaceful rest stop at a secluded and lesser-known park, a memorable time at a substance abuse/sexual abuse recovery centre, a safe hotel parkade for my car and gear, a restful time off mid-tour, timely encouragement in comments from guests, warm weather on a day off in Jasper, guests that God brought to my shows for a specific purpose in their life (thank you for sharing your heart with us)...
Thank you for praying for us. We felt God’s nearness both in the good times and otherwise. We were kept safe. He provided everything we needed and more. We knew he was looking after us, in ways we could see but also in ways we may never know.
This tour was fun, exhausting, memorable, and healing for me, and I cannot wait to tour again.
Thank you for praying, your encouragement, and your ongoing support. I appreciate you!
I’ll see you on the road, Rhonda Louise