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GMA Canada Week in Calgary

Hey! Wow, what a week I'm having! I am currently in the middle of GMA Canada Week here in Calgary, and I'm having a blast! Songwriting sessions (live and via live feeds with professionals in Nashville), Live Stage Makeover (A amateur band performs one song, then is critiqued for an hour on their performance skills by a professional stage manager), Showcase Night (had an awesome opportunity to perform then meet new fans), Radio seminars, and super exciting for me - meeting and hearing THE Steve Taylor (one of the few of Christian Rock's "pioneers"). WOW. Tomorrow, more sessions including the Songwriting Competition Finals, meeting Christian Radio personalities, hearing Geoff Moore speak (popular Christian Pop artist from late 1990's), and last but not least, The 33rd Annual Covenant Awards Banquet and Gala! (I guess I'll sleep next week!)

Tomorrow, Friday, Oct. 28th, 7pm (MT), tune in to Fort McMurray's with Nick Kalhawy on Indie Spotlight, where they will be featuring my music! Thank you, Nick!

If you would like to hear my music on your local radio stations, please let your stations know! Pass along my name and web site, and tell them what my music has meant to you. Thank you!

Thank you for your continued prayer support. God is doing some incredible stuff and I'm both excited and amazed by it. Also, thank you for staying in touch!

All the best.

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